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Wax Removal in Morecambe

October 9, 2018

Our practice specialises in all aspects of hearingloss including wax removal in Morecambe. Earwax is produced by glands in the earcanal. It has a protective purpose to trap dust and other small particles toprevent them from reaching and potentially damaging the eardrum. The amount ofwax produced varies from person to person and usually comes out on its own Itcan become a problem if there is a large build up causing a blockage. Thiscould cause impaired hearing, ear pain or dizziness as well as itchiness in theears or ear canal. There can be a plugged or full sensation or pressure felt inthe ear. Wax can also cause ringing in the ear similar to tinnitus. This stickyyellowish secretion protects the skin of the ear and is usually cleared out ofthe ear canal by the movement of the jaws.

Cerumen impaction refers to the build up of layersof earwax. In Morecambe, wax removal can do wonders for your hearing but shouldonly ever be undertaken by a professional. The risk of damage to the eardrum byinexperienced tampering is great. Using cotton buds or swabs is one of theworst ways of trying to get earwax out o the ears. The bud normally pushes mostof the wax back down the ear canal and can cause severe impaction. It can alsocause ear infections which can be very painful and require a course ofantibiotics. Always go to a professional practitioner if you suspect you havean earwax problem.

Our practice specialises in all types of hearingloss including wax removal in Morecambe. We have specialist and highlyqualified audiologists. Contact Tailored Hearing Solutions today and book anappointment to have your ears checked and your hearing assessed. We providehearing solutions that are more powerful, precise and user-friendly than everbefore. Our state of the art hearing aids ensure that patients receiveunmatched technology and tailor made solutions to their hearing problems. Youwill find that the initial appointment takes a while longer than expected as wetake time to examine all aspects of your hearing including a physical check ofyour ears and a hearing test to determine the best solution and way forward toimprove your hearing.